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29 Sep

Avoiding spamtrap in Email Marketing

For Avoiding spamtrap in Email Marketing we need to first understand, what is Spamtrap? Spamtrap which is called a honeypot used to collect spam by Wikipedia is used by all email service providers to identify users that send unsolicited messages, usually through Email Marketing campaigns.

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Usually, these are email addresses that were previously active and experienced over 180 days of inactivity without a legitimate login. Email providers then add these inactive email addresses into their spamtrap databases. When a selected sending domain or IP address hits too many inactive accounts or spamtraps, the mail provider will blacklist the IP or domain, hurting their sender score.

It’s estimated that over 15 billion SPAM messages are sent every day by email. Since mail providers are during a never-ending battle against spammers, they will be somewhat aggressive with labeling mail as SPAM, which is why it is so important to avoid sending emails to spamtraps. it is also important to notice that there many various sorts of known spamtraps. We explained inactive honeypots above — now let’s explore other sorts of spamtraps.

Known Spam Trap Types Explained

  1. Pristine Spam Traps – Pristine spam traps, also referred to as “pure spam traps”, are created specifically for acting as a honeypot. These emails weren’t previously employed by other owners or for legitimate email. Pristine spam traps are usually posted within the html code of a website or in similar placements that make it easy for scrapers and spambots to get their address. Email addresses collected by scraping are greatly frowned upon by mail providers.
  2. Spamhaus & SpamCop Spam Traps – In today’s world data is king, numerous third-party reputation providers maintain their own spamtrap databases. Spamhaus and SpamCop are the foremost popular third-party services and even allow any business to “donate a MX record” to automatically forward spam complaints. Many security providers like TrendMicro and McAfee also maintain their own traps.
  3. Typo Spam Traps – it’s extremely common for users to misspell their own email addresses when registering an account or subscribing to a newsletter. Despite typos being a standard human error, some providers do monitor typo spam traps to measure the amount of typos in an email marketing campaign. Large amounts of typos show that the sender isn’t using best practices or proper email validation.
  4. Recycled Spam Traps – These sorts of traps are almost like the inactive honeypots mentioned above. When email address lists are not any longer maintained, it is easy for the emails to become outdated. If an email address has been inactive with a mail provider for over 6 months, then it typically will automatically convert into a recycled spam trap for the mail provider. Email Marketers who have large number of recycled spam traps in their email list will get blacklisted.

Simple ways for avoiding spamtrap in Email Marketing.

The impact of spam traps varies counting on the sort. Hitting a pristine spam trap is considered more serious than hitting a recycled trap. If you’ve emailed a pristine spam trap, your domain or sending IP address might be immediately blacklisted. If you send email to recycled spam traps regularly, you’ll start to ascertain your emails being routed to the junk folder. To avoid spam traps, make certain to regularly filter your contact lists.

For Avoiding Spamtrap in Email Marketing, regularly clean your list. Another suggested way is to confirm the email address of new subscribers through the email confirmation process and for existing subscribers, creating campaigns for re-engagement would be an excellent idea. This will filter out email addresses possibly spamtrap that have not engaged with your re-engagement material in the last several months. 

We have also developed tool called  Email Validator that will check for the existence of the email address and help you to avoid sending emails to spamtrap. Click on the link to get access to this useful tool for free.

What do you think about the Spamtrap in Email Marketing as Internet Marketer and Consumer? Let us know about it in the comments below. Also share this article to make people aware of spamtraps.

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